We found a small plantation in a steep and rocky area, abandoned for more than 6 years by the only people who frequented it: the shepherd and his flock. The first task was to clean up the wild olive trees: pruning the low branches, first of all, as well as laying down the grass that was so exaggeratedly abundant due to the aforementioned abandonment. Once this had been done, the fruit could then be harvested. This is not an easy task, as we mentioned earlier: the fruit is very small in size and little mechanisation is possible. The farm workers were desperate because they could not see the harvested fruit increase as much as they would have liked. For example, in normal conditions, harvesting the picual variety, they would have harvested 800-1000 kilos per capita, while in the acebuchina harvest they were only able to harvest around 120 kilos per person. But there are times when quantity is not everything: we were looking for the quality granted by the ACEBUCHINA.
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